CoVID-19 Updates
We remain fully dedicated to the safety, health, and wellbeing of our employees, our customers, and our community.
As each month progresses with new developments on COVID-19, we want to let you know that we’re fully dedicated to the safety, health, and wellbeing of our employees, our customers, and our community. We are all faced with an issue of immense magnitude, and our hearts go out to all who have been affected by COVID-19.
We are continually monitoring the evolving situation and want to let you know what this means for Juliana’s Catering right now:
Food & Employee Safety is always our top priority. Our facilities have the highest levels of food and employee safety, and we are reinforcing several precautionary measures, such as vigilant hand-washing before, continuously throughout, and after employee shifts. Any employee experiencing any flu-like symptoms is being required to stay home, and we have increased the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting our facilities, with special attention to high-contact surfaces, such as chairs, tables, and counters, to ensure our kitchens remain open to serve you with the highest standard of cleanliness. As we closely monitor the evolving situation we will continue to stay at the forefront of best practices set in place by the CDC, WHO, FDA, and local authorities.
If needed, whether in the interest of our customers and team members or if directed by local health departments, we will consider temporary kitchen closures.
As we do  our part to keep our restaurants clean and safe, we encourage you to take notice of measures from the CDC for preventing the spread of viruses in order to stay healthy and keep our communities safe: 
​Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.
We’ll continue to stay vigilant of the situation and keep you informed as we overcome these challenges together.
Stay safe and healthy,
Nick Chunias & the Juliana’s Catering team